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At NuLifeFit, God led us to found a company with the passion and purpose of giving you hope for optimal health. After seeing too many loved ones suffer from preventable diseases, we knew there had to be a better way. Through our customized holistic coaching, we empower you to transform your health and reclaim the life God intends.​


$100 to get started TODAY!

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If you're ready to transform your health from the inside out, our comprehensive 6-Months Transformation is for you. This immersive, one-on-one coaching program takes a 360° approach, addressing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.​

​Over the course of 6 months, you'll work closely with one of our expert holistic health coaches to identify your goals and create a customized plan to achieve them. This program includes:

NuLifeFit QuickStart

Hit the ground running with a general jumpstart plan including an eating schedule, diet guidelines, and recommended tools to set you up for success from day one.

Personalized Plan of Action Consultation

During this invaluable one-on-one session, your coach will conduct a deep dive into your unique situation, health history, and aspirations. They'll provide proven strategies and a fully customized roadmap to renew your vitality.


Weekly 30-minute 1-on-1 calls for the first 3 months to review progress, check journals, discuss mindset, and ensure accountability. Bi-weekly calls for the remaining 3 months to track progress, celebrate wins, adjust as needed, and stay motivated with coach accountability.

Coaching Access

Have a question or need support between sessions? Your coach is just a message away to provide guidance whenever you need it.

Educational Workshops

Informative group classes will enrich your understanding of holistic nutrition, mindfulness, fitness, and more. Gain tools to naturally heal your mind and body.

People Who Finish This Program Have:

Weight loss with long-term sustainability 

Better A1Cs 

Better Cholesterol 

Increased Energy 

Healthier Habits 

Better Quality of Life 

Overall Optimal Health


Does this sound like the fresh start you've been craving? Click below to learn how our 6-Months Transformation can get you on the path to optimal health and wellness.

What Our Clients Want to Share With You:

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